Simple steps to reduce your plastic use

By reducing our reliance on single-use plastics, we can contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

In this blog post, we will explore practical ways to minimise plastic use and make a positive impact during Plastic Free July and beyond...

Start with conscious shopping

The first step in reducing plastic use is to be mindful of our shopping habits. How we spend our money sends a strong message to big companies about what matters, and encourages more brands to offer eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products.

Choose products with minimal or no plastic packaging whenever possible, and opt for loose fruits and vegetables instead of pre-packaged ones.

Bring your own reusable bags to the supermarket or farmers' market, and consider bulk shopping for items like grains, nuts, and spices using your own reusable containers or cloth bags.

Tea bags - a staple in many households - may appear harmless, but many commercially available tea bags contain a thin layer of plastic to help seal and maintaining their shape. A great way to reduce your plastic use is to opt for loose-leaf tea, or look for brands that use biodegradable or plastic-free tea bag alternatives. You can also consider using a tea infuser or reusable tea strainer for an eco-friendly brewing experience.

Embrace reusables

Replacing single-use items with reusable alternatives is a key aspect of going plastic-free, allowing you to refuse single-use plastics in your day to day life.

Invest in a sturdy water bottle and carry it with you everywhere to avoid single-use plastic water bottles. The Refill app is a great way to find free drinking water refill stations on the move. 

You can say no to disposable plastic cutlery and straws by taking your own reusable ones with you, ready to reuse for lunch on the go. Swap plastic sandwich bags for reusable silicone or beeswax wraps.

Carrying a reusable coffee cup for your daily caffeine fix and refusing plastic stirrers is a great way to cut your daily plastic waste, as well as keeping your favourite drink hotter for longer.

Go green in the kitchen

Fast-food and takeaway restaurants often use plastic containers that end up in landfills. To avoid contributing to this waste, you can bring your own containers when picking up food. Many establishments are happy to accommodate this request, especially when you explain your commitment to reducing plastic waste.

By opting for reusable containers, you're not only reducing plastic waste but also supporting sustainable practices.

When you're cooking at home, spatulas, cooking spoons, and even cutting boards can be made from plastic materials. When it's time to replace your utensils, choosing sustainable materials like bamboo, wood, stainless steel, or silicone is kinder on the planet, and these durable materials can be reused for years to come.

Kick plastic out of the bathroom

Many toiletries like shampoo bottles, toothbrushes and disposable razors are made of plastic.

A great way to reduce your plastic use is to look for alternatives packaged in glass, aluminum or paper. Consider using solid toiletries like shampoo bars and soap instead of liquid products, or switching to a bamboo or compostable toothbrush. Eco-friendly toilet roll companies can also give you the option to choose plastic-free toilet paper that has less impact on the environment. By making these swaps, you can significantly reduce plastic waste from your daily grooming routine.

Many brands now offer plastic-free or refillable options, like toothpaste tablets in reusable packaging and refillable makeup options. Embracing these alternatives not only reduces plastic waste but also promotes sustainable beauty practices.

When it comes to cleaning, most of our household cleaning products come packaged in plastic containers. Explore eco-friendly cleaning alternatives that come in refillable or bulk options, or consider making your own cleaning solutions using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. Plant-based cleaning tools like bamboo brushes and coconut coir scrubbers are great alternatives to plastic-based sponges and cloths.

Recycle responsibly

While the focus is on reducing plastic use, recycling still plays a vital role in managing existing plastic waste.

Educate yourself on your local recycling guidelines and ensure that you are correctly separating and disposing of recyclable plastics.

Encourage others to do the same and spread awareness about the importance of proper recycling practices.


Plastic Free July serves as a powerful reminder that each of us can contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable planet by reducing our plastic consumption. By adopting simple lifestyle changes such as mindful shopping, embracing reusables, and saying no to single-use plastics, we can collectively make a significant impact.

Let's use this Plastic Free July challenge as an opportunity to cultivate habits that prioritise the wellbeing of our environment, paving the way for a healthier and greener future. Remember, it's not just about one month; it's about making lasting changes that benefit the planet and future generations.