5 household energy saving tips

These simple energy saving measures for your home can help reduce your utility bills and minimise your environmental impact...

Making a significant impact on your household's energy consumption doesn't have to be complicated or costly. Small, manageable changes can add up to big savings on your energy bills while also reducing your carbon footprint.

Here are 5 straightforward actions you can take, habits you can adopt, and choices you can make within the comfort of your home to make a positive impact on both your wallet and the environment...


Lowering your room thermostat by just one degree can result in noticeable savings on your annual heating bill - this simple adjustment can help you stay comfortable while reducing energy consumption.

Upgrading to the latest Smart Controls for your heating and hot water systems can significantly boost energy efficiency. These systems allow for precise temperature management and scheduling, potentially saving you 25 to 30% on your annual heat energy expenses.

Regular servicing of your combi boiler is essential to ensure it operates at its peak efficiency; this is particularly crucial if the flow temperature can be adjusted downward. Efficient boiler operation contributes to annual energy savings, and should always be performed by a qualified Gas Safe engineer.

If you're looking at a larger renovation or new build, consider using a heat pump as your primary heat source. In well-designed homes, heat pumps are more cost-effective to run than traditional heating systems, and are powered by electricity rather than oil or gas.

Windows & Doors

Ensuring that your windows and external doors have effective draught-proofing can help maintain a consistent indoor temperature. This reduces the need for excessive heating or cooling, resulting in energy savings.

Regularly inspect and maintain your windows and doors to ensure they are in good condition. Proper maintenance can help prevent heat loss, leading to lower annual energy bills.

If you're able to, investing in double glazing can really help to keep the heat in - for a more budget solution, window film can increase the insultating properties of your windows and doors, and is easy to fit yourself.


Adequate insulation in your loft prevents heat from escaping through the roof. Investing in insulation upgrades for your loft, walls, and floors can result in substantial energy and financial savings.

You may be able to get free or cheaper insulation through the government's Great British Insulation Scheme to reduce your home’s energy bills. Find out more here.

Improved insulation often requires better ventilation. Installing a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) system not only ensures proper ventilation but also supplements your primary heating source, reducing heating costs.


Replacing traditional incandescent, fluorescent, and halogen bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights consumes significantly less energy.

LEDs are incredibly energy-efficient, using up to 80% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs, and also have a significantly longer lifespan - often lasting 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, reducing the frequency of replacements and further saving you money. LEDs produce very little heat compared to incandescent bulbs, making them safer and more comfortable to use.

Always remember to turn off lights and appliances when they are not in use to save both energy and money. Smart plugs are a convenient way to control your lighting and applicances from your phone, and ensure everything is turned off when not in use.


To get to know how much each of the electrical appliances in your home cost to run, you can use Go Compare's handy energy cost calculator.

Installing solar panels on your roof provides an eco-friendly way to generate your own electricity. This can lead to substantial savings on your utility bills, as you rely less on grid power.

If you're building or renovating a property, orienting your roof to take full advantage of south-facing aspects maximizes solar heat gain, further increasing your energy savings and reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

You can learn more about installing solar panels to your home here.

By implementing these energy-saving tips, you can improve your home's energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and save money in the long run.

For more tailored advice and a comprehensive energy assessment, contact the professional energy consultants at CLPM for a personalised report and further energy-saving recommendations.