Join us on our net zero mission

Net Zero Events

Our recent roundtable event brought subject matter experts together to share expertise on proven, market-ready renewable energy solutions and finance models, and to discuss how South West businesses can reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources.

This event allowed us to create a thought-doing leadership paper to help mobilise businesses across the South West, feeding into our regional outreach programmes. Find out more and read the report here.

Our event in partnership with Transform ESG and Business Insider brought together business leaders from across the region to discover and debate the vital role the South West plays as a leader in the push towards Net Zero.

We also work in partnership with County Business Shows to increase the presence of sustainability information at events like The Gloucestershire Business Show.

Join our next event

Book a free net zero consultation

Our collective mission is to mobilise organisations and individuals to act, helping the South West to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels by supporting the decarbonisation of the grid, moving towards distributed energy and reducing energy consumption.

In partnership with our experts, we're able to use 22 different technologies to reduce your energy consumption - guaranteed!

If your organisation has a high energy usage, we can help you improve efficiencies, cut costs and cut carbon by putting ESG at the heart of your business.

For your free 45 minute sustainability consultation with Action Net Zero founder Pamela Barbato, simply book a time using the link below, and we'll walk you through how you could transform your business.

Book a time

Transform your ESG journey

We’re with you on your ESG journey to advise, support and guide you.

In partnership with Transform ESG, Action Net Zero is excited to introduce ESG Baseline.

ESG Baseline will provide data and insights for your organisation, and support your journey with a hosted workshop specifically tailored to your organisation's needs.

You'll get a bespoke ESG Strategy and Action Plan, as well as online support and guidance for your customised plan.

Find out more

Become a brand partner

Does your organisation provide greener products, services and choices?

Become an Action Net Zero partner to amplify your offering to businesses and residents across the South West, and to support us on our net zero mission.

If you're a solution provider and want to know more about our partnership activity, please email to find out more.

If you're a local authority and would like to know more about how Action Net Zero can help you to engage with businesses, residents and community groups through our outreach programmes, please email to find out more.

We'd love to have you on board!

Find out more

Share your story

Is your business doing great things in the field of sustainability?

If so, we'd love to share your story!

Read our stories from inspiring businesses and residents across the South West, then get in touch to share your own to help us drive change.

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Join our net zero mailing list!

You'll receive regular updates on environmental action, events and news, as well as helpful tips and advice to support you on your journey to net zero.

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Support for community groups

Are you a community group in the South West?

We'd love to work together towards our shared goals - just get in touch to find out more about how we can support you.

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