Our Work
Our focus area is to support communities across the South West to buy and use renewable energy better, aligning our aims with the targets and goals of the West of England Combined Authority and our corporate partners and communities.
We aim to collaboratively address the barriers to change, whilst promoting sustainable transport and energy solutions to businesses, residents and community groups, to mobilise our audiences to act through action-led campaigns, innovative delivery programmes and events.
The environmental challenge
Within the region, renewable electricity generation has more than doubled since 2014, yet still only provides 11% of the region’s electricity consumption.
Photovoltaics (PV) are the largest regional source, providing 44% of locally-generated renewables, followed by onshore wind at 20% (source).
The situation
Many organisations of all sizes are now focused on energy resiliency, driven by their interest in risk management and mitigation operationally, as well as climate commitments. Energy management is an increasingly critical business issue. There is also an increased focus on supporting supply chains to decarbonise their energy, and thereby reduce Scope 3 emissions, as businesses integrate best practice into their procurement processes.
Corporations in the South West who have committed to Net Zero 2030 targets may be unable to generate enough renewable energy on their own premises to match consumption, so are looking to move towards distributed generation that gives them more security of competitive pricing.
The barriers we aim to address include lack of knowledge and understanding of proven models for adoption, complexity of commercial and legal considerations, fear of investing in the wrong solutions given the pace of innovation within the market, supply chain issues, skill shortages in transport and renewable energy markets and power infrastructure and connectivity challenges.
Long-term fixed-price solar power contracts are now, in many cases, comparable in price or cheaper than grid electricity - innovation in technology and finance has also opened up new opportunities, and will continue to do so.
Impact focus
Mobilising organisations to act, Action Net Zero is an impact-led organisation, focused on supporting the South West to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and transition to sustainable transport and energy solutions, as well as helping residents to 'green' their homes through reenwable energy and increased efficiency.
Get involved with Action Net Zero